CALL OR TEXT (580) 678-0588
CALL OR TEXT (580) 678-0588
Calculate your TOTAL NUMBER OF ITEMS SOLD by ADDING the total number of items sold on your PAPER ORDER FORM
to the number of items you sold ONLINE.
You can find how many items you've sold Online by logging on to your Seller Dashboard.
We are offering you a chance to
EARN the prizes YOU WANT!
You can spend ALL of your Diamond Dollars on ONE prize...or on several prizes.
You'll earn ONE Diamond Dollar for every item you sell in the fundraiser. Your cost for each prize is the original price shown (the one that has been crossed out).
ALL prizes are "On Sale" for $0.00, so no "REAL" money is due when you Checkout.
After you checkout, we'll VERIFY that your
Order Amount does not exceed your
Diamond Dollars Balance (total items sold) BEFORE we pack your order, so don't go over your budget!
Your Diamond Dollars will expire
FIVE DAYS after the date your fundraiser ENDED.
See your paper order form for this date.
Anyone that misses this deadline...or forgets to place a prize order will receive a Mystery Prize.